Our Sections

Our group boasts Five vibrant sections, each providing young individuals with a diverse array of thrilling, stimulating, and immersive activities. Alongside our weekly sessions held during school term time, we take pride in guaranteeing that every young member has the opportunity to experience at least one overnight adventure (and often many more!) away from home each year. Discover more about each section below.

Squirrels gather every Wednesday from 5pm to 6pm and Friday from 5pm to 6pm , providing a delightful exploration opportunity for young boys and girls aged 4 to 6, as they embark on new adventures with newfound friends.

To discover more about our engaging activities and to secure a spot on our waiting list, simply click the button above

Beavers convene every Tuesday from 6pm to 7pm & Wednesday from 6:15pm to 7:15pm. Geared towards children aged 6 to 8, both boys and girls, our Beavers program fosters camaraderie while facilitating shared learning experiences.

To explore further about our activities that we run and to enlist on our waiting list, simply click the button provided above.

The Cubs meet every Monday and Thursday from 6:30pm to 8pm, providing a valuable opportunity for boys and girls aged between 8 and 10½ to cultivate skills and collaborate effectively.

If you’re interested in discovering more about our activities and joining our waiting list, simply click the button above.

The Scout meetings are scheduled from 7:30 pm to 9 pm every Friday, offering young individuals aged between 10½ to 14 a chance to cultivate leadership abilities and acquire lifelong skills.

For further insights into our activities that we run and to enlist in our waiting list, simply click the button provided above.

Each segment within our organisation receives backing from a committed team comprising Leaders, Section Assistants, and Young Leaders. Together, they collaborate to strategize and execute every aspect of our varied program. Additionally, our group receives invaluable support from our Trustee Board, tasked with ensuring the safety and functionality of our scouting hall. Moreover, they spearhead the planning and coordination of fundraising initiatives throughout the year.

Explore the contributions of our young leaders, aged 14 to 18, as they organise games, lead activities, and offer assistance during section meetings and various camps/events.

Learn more and become a volunteer by clicking the button above.

Motivating the upcoming generation, our Leaders collaborate to craft and present a dynamic and diverse program for our youth.

Discover more and get involved by clicking the button above to volunteer.

Our Trustee Board comprises leaders, parents, and other dedicated adults who provide support to the group, ranging from maintenance tasks to administrative duties.

Discover more about our board and volunteer by clicking the button above.